Common Pests in the Fall Time

When the weather begins to cool and the leaves start to change color, many of us look forward to cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and crisp autumn air. Unfortunately, we’re not the only ones preparing for the colder months. Fall is also a prime time for various pests to seek shelter and sustenance in our homes. Here’s a rundown of the most common pests you might encounter during the fall season and some tips on how to keep them at bay.

1. Rodents

Mice and Rats

Rodents are notorious for seeking warmth as temperatures drop. They can squeeze through tiny openings and once inside, they can cause significant damage by chewing through wires, insulation, and even food packaging.

Prevention Tips:

  • Seal cracks and gaps around your home’s exterior.
  • Keep food in airtight containers.
  • Regularly clean up crumbs and spills.

2. Stink Bugs

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

These shield-shaped insects often invade homes in large numbers during the fall. While they don’t cause harm to humans, they emit an unpleasant odor when crushed or disturbed.

Prevention Tips:

  • Repair torn window screens.
  • Seal entry points like cracks and crevices.
  • Use a vacuum to remove stink bugs without crushing them.

3. Spiders

Common House Spiders

Fall is mating season for many spider species, leading to increased activity as they seek shelter and mates. While most house spiders are harmless, their webs can be a nuisance.

Prevention Tips:

  • Keep your home clean and clutter-free.
  • Use a broom or vacuum to remove webs regularly.
  • Seal gaps and cracks to prevent entry.

4. Cockroaches

German Cockroach

Cockroaches thrive in warm conditions and will seek shelter indoors as the weather cools down. They are attracted to food and moisture and can spread diseases.

Prevention Tips:

  • Keep kitchens and bathrooms clean and dry.
  • Store food in sealed containers.
  • Eliminate water sources by fixing leaks.

5. Ants

Odorous House Ant

Ants often enter homes in search of food as their natural sources become scarce. Once they find a food source, they leave a pheromone trail for others to follow, leading to potential infestations.

Prevention Tips:

  • Keep food areas clean and free of crumbs.
  • Store sugary foods in sealed containers.
  • Seal entry points to prevent ants from entering.

6. Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder Bug

These black and orange bugs are often found near boxelder trees but will move indoors to escape the cold. While they are mostly a nuisance, they can stain walls and furniture with their excrement.

Prevention Tips:

  • Seal cracks and gaps around windows and doors.
  • Remove boxelder trees near your home if possible.
  • Use a vacuum to remove them without causing stains.

Fall is a beautiful season, but it’s also a time when many pests are looking for new homes. By taking preventive measures and staying vigilant, you can keep these unwanted visitors at bay and enjoy a pest-free autumn.