Common Fall Pests and How to Manage Them

As the leaves turn and temperatures drop, many pests seek shelter in our homes to escape the cold. Fall is the prime time for these invaders to make their way into your living spaces, causing nuisances and potential damage. Understanding which pests are most likely to intrude and how to manage them is essential to maintain a comfortable and pest-free home.

1. Rodents (Mice and Rats)

  • Behavior: Rodents enter homes in search of warmth and food. They can squeeze through tiny openings and are quick to establish nests in attics, basements, and walls.
  • Management Tips:
  • Seal all entry points, including gaps around doors, windows, and utility lines.
  • Keep food in airtight containers and maintain a clean kitchen.
  • Set traps in areas where rodent activity is noticed.

2. Stink Bugs

  • Behavior: Stink bugs seek warmth and shelter by congregating on the sunny sides of buildings and later entering homes.
  • Management Tips:
  • Repair damaged screens on windows and doors.
  • Use caulk to seal cracks around doors and windows.
  • Vacuum them up if they get inside, and dispose of the bag promptly to prevent odor.

3. Spiders

  • Behavior: Spiders move indoors to escape the cold, often found in dark corners and undisturbed areas.
  • Management Tips:
  • Reduce clutter in storage areas where spiders can hide.
  • Regularly dust and vacuum to remove webs and eggs.
  • Implement natural deterrents like peppermint oil around entry points.

4. Cluster Flies

  • Behavior: These flies gather in large numbers in attics and wall voids to hibernate.
  • Management Tips:
  • Seal windows and doors with weather stripping.
  • Install flyscreens on windows.
  • Use a vacuum to remove flies if they appear indoors.

5. Boxelder Bugs

  • Behavior: Boxelder bugs are attracted to warm areas on buildings and can invade homes in large numbers.
  • Management Tips:
  • Seal cracks and crevices on the exterior of your home.
  • Remove boxelder trees near your home if possible.
  • Vacuum bugs that find their way indoors to prevent staining from their excretions.

6. Ants

  • Behavior: Ants enter homes in search of food and nesting sites.
  • Management Tips:
  • Keep food areas clean and store food in sealed containers.
  • Identify and eliminate ant trails using soapy water.
  • Place ant baits near entry points and along trails.

Preventing these common fall pests from entering your home requires vigilance and proactive measures. By understanding their behaviors and implementing effective management strategies, you can enjoy a pest-free fall season. If the invasion becomes overwhelming, consider reaching out to a professional pest control service for assistance.