Common Summertime Pest Invaders in Pennsylvania

Summertime in Pennsylvania is a beautiful time of the year, but it also brings with it a host of unwelcome guests. From ants marching into your kitchen to mosquitoes swarming your backyard barbecues, pests can quickly turn your summer plans upside down. At Patriot Pest Solutions, we understand how frustrating these invaders can be, and we’re here to help you get your home and yard back.

Typical Summertime Pests in Pennsylvania

1. Ants

Ants are one of the most common pests you’ll encounter during the summer months. They invade your home in search of food and can be particularly stubborn once they establish a trail. Some common types of ants in Pennsylvania include:

  • Carpenter Ants: Known for causing structural damage by burrowing into wood.
  • Odorous House Ants: Named for the unpleasant smell they emit when crushed.
  • Pavement Ants: Often found nesting under sidewalks or driveways.

2. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are not only annoying but can also spread diseases such as West Nile Virus and Zika. They breed in standing water and are most active during dawn and dusk.

3. Ticks

Ticks are a significant concern, especially for those who spend a lot of time outdoors. They can carry Lyme disease and other illnesses. Common types in Pennsylvania include:

  • Black-legged Ticks (Deer Ticks)
  • American Dog Ticks
  • Lone Star Ticks

4. Spiders

While most spiders are harmless, some, like the black widow or brown recluse, can pose a threat. They seek shelter in cool, dark places, making basements and attics prime spots for infestations.

5. Stinging Insects

Bees, wasps, and hornets can ruin outdoor activities with their painful stings. These insects often build nests in eaves, trees, or underground.

6. Rodents

Mice and rats can be more than just a nuisance—they can cause significant damage to your property and pose health risks with their droppings.

How Patriot Pest Solutions Can Help

At Patriot Pest Solutions, we offer comprehensive pest control services tailored to your specific needs. Here’s how we can help you combat these common summertime invaders:

1. Inspection

We start with a thorough inspection of your property to identify the type and extent of the infestation. This step is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

2. Customized Treatment Plans

Based on our findings, we create a customized treatment plan that targets the specific pests invading your home. Our treatments are designed to be effective yet safe for your family and pets.

3. Preventive Measures

We don’t just eliminate existing pests; we also implement preventive measures to keep them from coming back. This includes sealing entry points, removing attractants, and providing ongoing monitoring.

4. Education and Tips

We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. We’ll provide you with tips and advice on how to make your home less attractive to pests, such as proper food storage and yard maintenance.

5. Follow-Up Services

Our commitment to you doesn’t end with the initial treatment. We offer follow-up services to ensure that the pests are gone for good and to address any new issues that may arise.

Why Choose Patriot Pest Solutions?

  • Experienced and Certified Technicians: Our team is trained and certified to handle all types of pest problems.
  • Eco-Friendly Solutions: We use environmentally friendly products and methods to protect your home and the planet.
  • Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand behind our work and offer a satisfaction guarantee for all our services.

Don’t let pests ruin your summer. Contact Patriot Pest Solutions today and reclaim your home and yard from these unwanted invaders. Visit to learn more about our services and schedule an inspection.

Ready to get started? Click here to book your free consultation and take the first step towards a pest-free summer!